Easily post indirect in your social network. Things romantics or sexual.

  1. >Easily post indirect in your social network. Things romantics or sexual.

    I’m sorry, *what*?

  2. Shaming men i.e. “a real man would…” Crocodile Tears, Slander, Black Mail, Ultimatums ” it’s either me or the Xbox” ect.. ect..

  3. One chick manipulated me into thinking she was my friend. She only talked to me when she needed something. Other then that she would never say anything to me let alone acknowledge me. I eventually cut her out along with her friend that was a carbon copy of her.

  4. Leading men on into thinking there is going to be a romantic relationship to get whatever they want.

  5. >Easily post indirect in your social network. Things romantics or sexual.

    Those are all words, but the meaning you are trying to convey is absolutely opaque.

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