To keep it simple we’re both virgins and one night we hung out and things got a little spicy so we took each other’s clothes off and I started to rub my penis on her pussy while kissing and she was already wet we did that for a bit and she gave me a blowjob which made me cum after that we stopped and i went to get the towel to clean cause I didn’t cum on her it was on the bed but when I came back she said she touched her vagina and maybe her fingers had a little bit of cum on them and now she’s afraid she is pregnant! Mind you this was 4 days before her period should’ve started

  1. The statistical improbability is very high. Sperm doesn’t survive outside the body for very long not to mention if it’s even transferable on her fingers it would have most definitely been dead no motility left to find an egg. I would say you have a higher statistical probability of getting hit by lightning 🌩 then her being pregnant. Thats science and biology. I would not worry to much about it.

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