Hi guys,

I’m at a loss at this stage. I had the issue of going straight into college in a relationship, hopping from one relationship to the next and didn’t prioritise friendships. I had lots of friends but no close friends. Now I’m 25 (F) and recently single after 7 years of romantic relationships. I have friends but we don’t see each other often. All my friends are older so they’re more inclined to stay home and play video games.
That’s fine but ever since covid, I realised I love leaving the house, going for drinks, visiting new places, but I have no one to do that with. Everyone else are either closer to each other or do things with their partners. I have some friends that go out sometimes but more with their other friend group or people within our group that they’re closer with.

The worst thing is, everyone thinks I have tons of friends at my expense, always think I have so much going on, so much news, but I.. I don’t? Not sure how I’m giving off that impression. Maybe that’s why no one asks me to do anything, they think I’m super busy with my non existent friends. How do I fix this? Also, most of my friends are guys and I’m crap at making girl friends.

1 comment
  1. I’m sorry to hear that. You can try forming a closer bond with people you know or make new friends at community groups in your neighborhood or at work or online. Unfortunately or Fortunately you are not alone as this is the common reality of adult friendships. It’s not impossible though. It took my mother a long while but she has a friend group now with someone she had known for years but had never been close with until recently.

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