Men with sisters , how is you relationship with them?

  1. OK. We there for each other if needs be but we don’t live close enough to see each other often though

  2. We’re pretty estranged but when I am in a position where she is vulnerable, I do my very best for her.

  3. I talk with one almost everyday and we get along pretty well. The other I really only talk to at family gatherings like major holidays and such. No hostility between us, just not very close.

  4. My sister and I have a fine relationship. Like everyone else in my family, she lives nearly across the country. Our lives are very different and we don’t talk except maybe once every other month or so. But it’s not a problem. I love her and she loves me.

  5. Fine. We’re not very close emotionally or geographically but would be there for each other if needed. My wife is closer with her and chats often.

  6. I have 4. 3 half sisters and 1 full sister.

    My 3 half sisters:

    One is dead, no idea what happened to her, was living on the streets and I hadn’t seen her in over a decade.

    Another is a complete psychopath and even her own children don’t talk to her.

    Another I just never stayed in contact with.

    My full sister: I have been NC with her for 2 years and it feels great. She was the golden child in our house growing up. As an adult she is this black hole of misery and negative energy. Obsessed with herself and her image, and in her and my family’s minds, she is incapable of doing anything wrong.

    If you were having a picnic in a park on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, when she showed up, storm clouds would appear out of no where. The birds and squirrels would run away frightened. She’d immediately begin complaining about the food, your outfit, the grass isn’t soft enough, the rain drops are the wrong temperature. Of course you don’t know her or understand why she’s eating your potato salad, but there would be my family members applauding her and attacking you for making her uncomfortable. They’d probably demand you commit suicide for your crimes.

    Anyway that’s my life….

  7. Non existent, i can’t remember the kast tine i saw or spoke to her. I think mainly due to getting a flat together. We both wanted to move out but we couldn’t afford it on our own so rented an appointment together. She turned out to be incredibly selfish, would kept up with her half of the cleaning and chores, would eat all my food, would think nothing of having a party with her friend all night but would scream and complain if I had the TV on past half 9. We lived together for around 5 months untill i couldn’t take it anymore and moved back in with my parents and she moved her bf in.

  8. Awful with two, nonexistent with the one that lives across the country and fine with the one that lives near me

  9. She thinks we’re close but I’ve never cared. Now we’re on opposite sides of the country and I prefer it that way.

  10. Kind of like Mao’s relationship with the Soviet Union

    We stopped talking long ago but we’ll pretend otherwise in the face of common enemies

  11. Much stronger after losing our brother a year ago, she lives a state away but we manage to plan camping and snowboarding trips.

  12. I’d say pretty good. The relationship with 1 of them (there are 2 got better when she was getting fed up with her mom (dad’s 1st wife, I’m from the 2nd marriage), and the relationships them both got actually good after my dad died a couple months ago, guess the other one finally figured out we’re family lol. And my relationship with my mom’s 1st marriage daughter (I’m her 2nd marriage child as well) was always good even tho she used to live like 1.5-2hr away from us (in my country that’s a huge distance)

  13. I have 2 half sisters. One of them I’m not close with at all. And the other it isn’t much better either. They both made and are still making very poor decisions in life that I at times get to deal with. I often time watch their children (mind you, I became a uncle at 3 years old, I’ll be a uncle of 7 in a couple of months)

  14. Not great. She’s always been a bit selfish but I snapped when she wouldn’t drive an hour to come to our uncle’s funeral. Didn’t even send flowers or a card. Asked me at 10pm night before if I could do it and she’d pay half.

  15. Got 1 sister, never had a good relationship until I grew up a little around senior year of high school then we became best friends and Idk where I’d be with out her. Now that she’s gone at school and I’m in the army we don’t see each other much but still make time to call every few weeks!

  16. I have no idea. I am going to read other peoples comments for some context.

    *a few minutes of elevator music later*

    Apparently our relationship is excellent. We talk pretty regularly and do not have any real issues with one another.

  17. I have two sisters and they are like my best friends. I think we have an extra close relationship having grown up with a bit of chaotic parents. We have really always had good relationships. Not even any of the typical sibling rivalries as kids. We always had each other’s backs. And that in a very constructive sense…like we are good at tough love when we need it, without making each other feel unfairly judged.

    We’ve even made some big life decisions partly because of it. e.g. my little sister went to the same undergrad after me, as much to have a year nearby, as because she had visited a lot and made friends. I moved for grad school to where my older sister lived and I’m still here. Just had lunch with her and her family today.

    Our kids have been able to grow up together which is wonderful. lol they had some limit on number of visitors the day my son was born and my nieces put on disguises and freaking snuck past security to meet the baby.

    I could say a lot, but just seeing the question makes me reflect on how lucky I am.

  18. She’s completely and utterly insane and I hate her with every fiber of my body.

    She ran me over with her car once, not once has ever shown any remorse for it. Just one of many terrible things she’s done and my family still puts up with her because we share blood with her, how bloody stupid!

  19. I think she (14) is really superficial. She don’t have any hobbies or interests, is mean to basically everyone, don’t do anything productive and want to grow old too fast. Our relationship isn’t perfect

  20. She lives down the street from me. Our kids hang out quite often (her oldest is 8 months younger than my son). I often drive her oldest to school since he goes to the same school my son does.

  21. I refer to her as my brother-in-law’s ex wife. Our relationship fell apart when my dad got sick. After he passed away, I found out how much she hated me. Then I found out how difficult she got with her own kids, and her then husband. I haven’t talked to her since 1991, when she tossed a restraining order on me.

    One day she’ll croak. I won’t miss her. I would like to go and piss on her grave, though.

  22. It’s alright. We talk a couple times a month, sometimes more and we visit every five years or so in person. Seems pretty normal once you’re well into middle age.

  23. My sister and i are not close. I see her 4 or 5 times per year. I would not go out of my way to see her, but if she ever needs a kidney, i am in.

  24. If we wern’t siblings and just met in the real world, we wouldn’t talk or be friends. We’re completely different people. But, I love her to death and would take a bullet for her, and vice versa.

  25. Pretty good I’m the giant wielding a welding torch she calls when she needs help making giant 14′ metal sculptures at 3 o’clock in the morning…. My sister mailed me a dart board with different Dick jokes in Icelandic on on each of the little like partition point point areas if you hit one it screams that particular phrase and they’re actually kind of funny….. I have no idea where she got it in Utah and and I have yet to get the story as to its origin but she promised it will be my Christmas present so I’m looking forward to it… I’m currently on the road to get her a 5 pound brick of goat cheese shoot shoot shaped like Margaret Thatcher’s head for for reasons that will be explained at 1 point or another probably around Brown mom’s birthday mom’s birthday

  26. It is going horrible.

    She is my step-sister, and I loathe her.

    Can’t stand being around her.

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