Men, what’s your proudest moment of being a man?

  1. Not my most proudest but it did stick out in my mind and I cant let go of it


    I was caught cheating and both girls were going in on me. The girl who i cheated with was trying to turn my gf against me and I was trying to turn me and my gf against her.


    Not proud of this turn of events. Not proud of this time in my life, truely one of thee worst days of my life



    “{my name}, No one cares about your BIG cock” says one of the girls

  2. Proud is hard to say. Seeing your kids do something great makes you proud for being a dad/man.

    But once I was at a table and looked around and realized that I fucked all 5 women that were sitting there and none of them knew it. I felt proud for being a stud/man.

    And when i had my first tax return with adjusted gross income in the six figures also made me proud to be a man/provider.

  3. Being a good shoulder to cry on for my best friend (girl) when she was having a horrible day

  4. Getting my masters degree. I grew up without a supportive family in any way shape or form. Having double digit members of my wife’s side of the family there to cheer for me in that moment on stage was unforgettable.

  5. Peed off a cliff once, must have gone a couple hundred feet. Peed downwind of course, I’m not an idiot.

  6. Friend had a baby recently. Wife has been helping get the nursery read for weeks before hand but that’s not my strong point and they already had too many cooks in the kitchen. So I mowed their lawn a bit ago. I’m not exactly a fan of lawns or mowing in general, but I bought a nice electric one at the beginning of summer and it’s made such a big difference.

  7. Speaking at my dad’s memorial service. I could tell that I encouraged others to speak about how he affected their lives.

  8. When my son first called me “father ” ….I’m 23 so in a way I never quite saw myself as a father till then.

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