I wish I could write my ex this:
I know I’m capable of mature healthy relationships. I’m in pain because I’ve misrepresented myself and acted like a complete idiot. It hurts because I liked you so much and I know we could have had a mature fulfilling healthy relationship. I was so excited for the future. So excited to get to know you better. And it all ended so abruptly. I keep wanting to reach out to you and explain, because I promise I’m not as crazy, toxic, dysfunctional, or stupid as I’ve made myself look. I know your looking for a life partner and I’ve presented a lot of red flags. I know I’ve made myself look bad. l really wish we could be friends. It would heal my heartbreak and give me a chance to redeem myself. I really think I could be positive influence in your life. I know I’m extremely wrong for sending this. Trust me I 100% get it. I’ve just been in a lot of pain over you. Please can you have some mercy on me. All I want is to see you again. I just want things to be cool. Trust me I’ve learned my lesson. I’ve just been in sooo much pain over you. I know it’s been five years. But I was invested, I was falling in love with you. I really felt something special for you. You made me feel so special and loved. All your sweet affection texts. You were my first love. It was all a new experience to me. It just still breaks my heart to be in this position. From falling in love, a dream come true, to just nothing, to being estranged and blocked. I feel horrible, it hurts so bad. Your absolutely the biggest regret of my life. I’d give anything for another chance because I swear to God I’d do it right. I understand if you feel differently and I rather have you as a friend then nothing at all. It would heal my heart.

  1. First, don’t send this.

    Second, I think it might be time for you to seek therapy. Being this fixated after 5 years is too much.

  2. 5 years is too much, but not impossible. Are you a male or a female. Big difference.

    Also, maybe mention what happened that led to the breakup.

    If you could please give some context to this letter.

    I’d love to help because it’s clear you’re suffering.

  3. It’s a good first step you took to write this. Identifying your feelings and expressing them is important. Now comes the next step, which is easier said than done: forgive yourself. You made mistakes and have regrets. That’s human. These mistakes don’t define you. It’s how you respond and try to improve as a person that counts. You just need to keep faith that one day you’ll meet someone and feel the same good feelings, and be a better partner because you’ve already learned some valuable lessons from your past mistakes. So please, forgive yourself. I struggle with it too, but it’s important to be gentle with yourself.

  4. Definitely dont send it. It will literally dont do anything but make you look silly. I do suggest you read it multiple times a day, and cry it out. Then, little by little it will hurt less. And then eventually you will move on, but dont send that. Best wishes!!

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