I am in my late twenties, 27F, wearing hijab, 160cm. I am never rude to people and I am very helpful to strangers and to my family. If someone asks me something to do it, I will.

One thing I’ve noticed is that people are extremely rude to me and some of them even yelling at me.

Few examples, I will be completely honest.

1. I had a misunderstanding with my father, we argued, I started crying and he started to yell at me so much I thought he will beat me (he did not).

2. I asked cashier how is some thing so expensive and she literally raised her voice in front of everyone asking if I am blind and mentioned inflation.

3. I was sitting in a hospital waiting my doctor, reading something and then two (woman and man) people started telling me how I will never finish something which my doctor said in front of them. I said they should mind their business and they started to yell at me like they are entitled to do so.

4. Ok, in this one I am guilty, but did I really deserve yelling in front of everyone (just be honest). I parked for 2minutes on some guy property, but I took just a small corner, he could have entered his yard. I was in bakery btw and this guy waited outside and when he saw me he started yelling at me again in public. I know I shouldn’t, but I am wondering if he would shout on some big guy…

5. Another parking example… I parked immediately after one person left (public parking, no reservations or pay), I got out of the car and another middle aged man started shouting and saying he is waiting for that place and was there before. Again, I saw nobody and it was public parking.

There are more examples, but I cannot remember at this point.

I am extremely friendly person and I can easily connect with people, some of them are friendly, some of them are not (there are situations where I didn’t talk to people and they felt entitled to yell at me and be rude).

I am wondering how can I handle these situations and what is the biggest reason for this.

I also don’t want to be a bitch and giving fuck you to everyone, but I want that they don’t approach me in that manner.

Could it be that I am ugly? Because most of the situations were issues with men and I’ve read that people are usually rude to ugly people.

Please share your opinions and advice.

1 comment
  1. some people are assholes. sometimes you encounter those assholes.

    how would “being a bitch and giving the fuck you to everyone” affect any of these situations when (except for the 2nd one) they were the ones to interact first?

    speaking of the 2nd one; yes she could have been nicer but she’s probably tired both physically and mentally, and it’s a silly ass question. retail workers hear this question all the time and sometimes in an accusatory tone. now it’s just annoying. again, doesn’t justify being rude but give her the benefit of the doubt.

    if you’re just minding your business and someone comes yelling at you, that’s just weird. i’d just look at them in confusion and judgement lmao cause why are you as an adult yelling at a stranger in public? are you okay?

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