Guys of Reddit, what or who inspired your facial hair choices?

  1. I dated a girl who liked beards. So I grew one. Then I realized that shaving sucked.

    Also, a lot of women seem to like the “lumberjack Dadbod” look.

  2. Always hated having even stubble. Grew it out for a devil costume and that was over a decade ago. Guess a little devil just stuck with me.

  3. Can’t grow much of a full beard with the cheeks so I kind of have a devil goateee thing going on but I wear it well. I don’t shave it off because I look like a child who’s aging too fast when I do.

  4. Can’t get past 3-4 days of not shaving. Never had a beard. Don’t want one. My wife doesn’t like facial hair, so that seals it.

  5. 2 days ago I grabbed a beard trimmer and put the longest attachment on it (12mm) and shaved my unkempt beard with it.

    This is now my new facial hair style for the next awhile because it actually looks pretty alright if I’m being honest with myself.

  6. I forgot to buy a new razor so I skipped shaving for a few days. A old boss asked if I was growing a beard, I said sure. That was 14 years ago now. Only times I shave now is for funerals.

  7. I thought I looked better with a beard and now it’s been 9 years since I’ve ever been clean shaven and I don’t see this streak ending.

  8. Mostly convenience and loving straight-razor shaving but not enough to do it more than once a week. I’ve rocked even stubble on my face and scalp for years. It’s easy to keep clean and maintain, and it suits my features overall.

  9. I started shaving in 5th grade in hopesy beard would grow faster. In 6th grade, i had an itty bitty peach fuzz mustache. By 9th grade i had a decent stach and a chin strap. 11th grade i had a huge beard. Now I have an extended goatee. It’ll get trimmed here soon, but I never go clean shaven

  10. The fact that I have a perpetual beard even after I shave has persuaded me to grow it over the years thinking it would be less work. It’s not tho. I’m so anal about it being perfect it takes far longer to dress it up than just shaving it.

    Now it’s got a lot of gray so I won’t grow it anymore.

    But to answer the question: nobody in particular has inspired me. Tho not inspired by him people used to call me Blackbeard and/or Billy Mays.

  11. I either have a short beard or a moustache/stubble combo.

    There are some guys that just NEED facial hair to look good. I am unfortunately one of them.

    I have a weird chin/jawline and chubby cheeks, so the beard hides that. And I have a big gap between my nose and upper lip, so the moustache hides that. Overall, facial hair balances out my face.

    My “inspiration” was that I look 10000000000x uglier without it. It makes me look more attractive, masculine, intimidating and confident.

  12. Always grew a beard from September 1st to March 1st. Always hated shaving. My wife likes the feel of it when I’m going down on her. Kept it every since.

  13. One day I overheard my chin and balls arguing so I thought about introducing a bonding activity. They are now inseparable

  14. Funny to me to see so many “just didn’t want to shave” answers, because that’s the entire reason I have a beard too

  15. I was in the military for 5 years and had to shave EVERY day. After I transitioned out of the military, I just grew it out of rebellion and I have zero plans to shave it ever again, just trim every 2/3 weeks, whenever it gets really scraggly. Too much work to shave everyday, and I look far better with a beard.

  16. My face determined itself.

    I can shave but my beard works day and night to come back. It’s best to go with the flow

  17. Clean shave, and because almost every other 20-40 year old guy guy I know or even see in public has some sort of facial hair style and I like standing out.

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