At first I thought it was an STD but overtime realized its from the sex itself.

With my ex it never happend yet with this girl its a constant, after every day with her I’ve gotta recover for a week until the peeling at the head stops together with the redness.

What could possibly be the reason? maybe too rough sex or maybe her ph and salt balance is not for me since we do it without a condom

  1. yoooo that’s happened to me with this one girl. except it peeled for like 3 months

    shower and wash it real good right after. haven’t had a chance to test if that helps tho

  2. I think she’s tight and a bit to dry.

    My bfs penis may become red and sore around the skin at the penis.

    I’ve tested myself before we became a couple, and I also removed a cyst in my bartolonit gland. Which may cause less wetness. Important for me to get wet and we use lube.

    However I’ve tested myself probably two times in our relationship as well to check so he never had anything that could have transmitted to me. Not as if I doesn’t trust him.
    But since new year we haven’t had sex as much we used to and now each time his skin goes red and sore after sex. He says it’s probably due us not having it as often ( he have a depression and take pills killing his libido) making his skin more fragile since it’s not used to friction back and forth at the penis inside the vagina. Which cause the redness. But how do you mean with peeling? The skin?

    Last time I checked myself was 1 month ago.

    It could also be that she may have thrush? And she doesn’t realize it herself. Thrush can be caused due wearing clothes not letting the pussy breathe

  3. My wife and I passed yeast back and forth. It resulted in symptoms like that We solved it by using Vagisil on our gonads in the shower. Haven’t had a problem since.

  4. Dermol 500 on Amazon. Constantly apply daily and it’ll go away within a week or two. I had the same issue and this fixed it. From what I found online it is eczema on your penis that can be activated from womens ph balance down there.

  5. Sounds like a yeast infection to me my dude, had one a couple months ago from my partner while we were both on antibiotics. Keep it clean and dry and possibly get some antifungal cream, go to a doctor. She may need to sort herself out too, at least use a condom for now.

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