if you had to rob something for money (realistically), what would you choose and how would you get away with it?

  1. Hack into HR and plant a virus to steal the rounded-off remainders off of financial transactions. The most they would do is put us for a few months into a white-collar, minimum-security resort! You know, they have conjugal visits there?

  2. First off, figure out they type of heist you want to pull. Then figure out what the maximum penalties are for that if you’re caught. The maximum fines particularly for white collar stuff is of particular note becuase, if you steal more than the fine… Serve your time, pay the fine and if you’re smart with it, you keep the rest?

    Getting caught becomes part of the cost of doing business then, not the thing that ends it all.

  3. I had an ex-coworker who created an LLC and began to charge our customers credit cards a service fee of .99 a month. It worked for about 6months and then he got arrested. Full on office perp walk. But I think he had something like $200k that he had collected

  4. I would set up a computer hack that would take $1 from every person’s bank account in the world. I would get caught when my bank account suddenly skyrocketed because I didn’t think that part through after the original scheme.

  5. Convenience store in the middle of nowhere. I’d tranquilize the man working there, steal the money and leave a thank you note for when he wakes up

  6. Equipment: Mask, Knife, Bag, Extra shoes and a Jacket, maybe smoke bombs (alternative: Flare’s which you can buy/steal from football store’s), Lighter, gasoline

    Getaway: Bicycle

    Store: grocery store

    The robbery: Put my mask on somewhere where there are no camera’s. Make sure to not be on any camera’s for at least 1 hour.

    Walk in, Hold the knife to a cashier, ask for ALL money from ALL registers, get the money, get on my bike, Hide the money, try to enter a allyway. Leave the bike. Remove the jacket, Change shoes, Then burn all the clothing and the bag, Walk out with smokebombs ignited. Act like a witness.

    Once I am alone on the road. Walk home, Collect my prize when things are in the clear

  7. Ha. I wouldn’t do it because I’m not smart or slick enough to ever get away with it. I would end up in a worse situation.

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