What hypocrisy about men bothers you the most?

  1. That we are accused of being cold and bottled up when we hide our emotions, but also shamed or considered weak if we show them

  2. women feel men should not display “toxic masculinity” but run like hell and call us when they see a spider in the house.

  3. The recognition that social conditioning can embed all sorts of crap in our heads, but the expectation that we can just “get over it” and shrug it off without time or effort. For instance, men and women can struggle with body image issues, but guys are expected to be able to “get over it” simply because it’s been explained once, like there’s no emotional or psychological reconditioning.

    Related: examining media tropes for negative messages against women, but not men. For instance, “damsel in distress” is criticized for turning the woman into nothing but a passive prize to be won (and rightly so), but is never criticized for telling men that love and relationships must be won or earned through hard labor and demonstration of merit, rather than being loved simply because of who we are.

  4. People are perfectly fine to assume that men are competent at things like leading companies or holding political office, but apparently contributing to undervalued domestic chores is too much to expect

  5. That we are toxic because women refuse to understand that we are different from them and have different desires. Many of us are honest and they don’t want honesty over protecting their feelings.

    That we don’t care or don’t have emotion. Men that show emotion are considered weak by society. We have to find a good male friend/group to vent and express our emotions to because if our woman hears us whining or complaining a lot she will see us as weak and lose respect for us.

  6. Misuse of the term “emotional labor”

    It is one thing if you’re married to a bum who barely works and spends most of his day trying to get more mustard stains on his tank top while playing video games and you (the partner talking about emotional labor) keep up with all of the chores, the kids, appointments, bills, etc. Yeah, that sucks and your man needs to suck it up and pull his weight.

    It’s completely different if you’re constantly adding things to the household/activities or have strong opinions on how something “should” be done and “just do it yourself because he does it wrong” and then complain that you do so much. (example: I lived with a GF who brought about a million plants into the house…WAY more than I wanted or agreed to, then complained specifically that I never help with the plants. Same girl would get just so furious if I loaded the dishwasher “wrong” (it turns out I was actually in the majority) so she “always HAD to do the dishes” and it was on her mind all of the time… sorry…that stuff is on you!

  7. The same people that insist that “toxic masculinity” doesn’t exist will blame “toxic feminism” for society’s problems, and the people that blame “toxic masculinity” for society’s problems will insist that “toxic feminism” doesn’t exist.

  8. Salivating over straight guy fanservice in games/movies but anything aimed at women or gay guys is “token wokism.”

  9. There’s the stereotype that men are absent parents who don’t contribute equally to raising a child, but if I take my kid to the park, women look at me like I must be some kind of predator. Any time I’m parenting my kid in public, I catch people looking around for her mom.

  10. When men support eachother it’s patriarchal, unfair and oppressive. When men don’t support eachother it’s toxic masculinity. When we don’t help women it’s misogyny, when we do it’s mansplaining and patronizing.

    And so on and so forth.

  11. They say men are straight forward .. maybe, they can be, but damn their wieners are always crooked

  12. Not all men but some:

    want their feelings heard, don’t want to be judged for participating in stereotypical “female” activities, men working in typical female dominated jobs getting sexually harassed, etc but HATE when women say “fuck the patriarchy”. Patriarchal ideas hurt men, too.

  13. Women always say “fuck men,” as if the exact same shit character and shit disposition to life doesn’t exist on the other end of the spectrum with women, too. People all across the board suck.

  14. When women expect us to pay for the first date because we “invited them out on their time”, then getting mad at us for having “transactional views” of dating

  15. As a single father with 100% custody of my only child (7 year old boy) for the last 3 years. His mom lives 800 miles away. While attempting to date… This is seen as a red flag to other single women/mothers

    “What could be SO wrong with him if that child’s mother chooses to have nothing to do with her own son.” ?!?!

  16. that we are privileged, i’m tired of it, women get WAY more uplift and stuff than men ever could, women get away with so much stuff because of it. If andrew tate was a woman and said the same stuff he said about women about men, he would be praised.

    (Just to be clear, I hate andrew tate)

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