Hi, I’m a 19 yr old male and work at sort of a warehouse. Lately a coworker is constantly staring at me. She basically just stares at me the whole time and when I look at her she quickly looks away. She is obviously interested in me and gives signs but doesnt really want to talk it seems and I dont understand it. She talks with my coworkers a lot and when I greet her she barely responds.

I’m not interested in dating or anything even though she is pretty. I’m just not sure how to act correctly in a situation like this. I get nervous and afraid to look at here since she will then see I look at her.

  1. This is what I’d do in your situation. If I made eye contact, I would give her a head nod that way I wouldn’t have to think about what to do every time she and I make eye contact. I’ll be on autopilot. I might even do a low-key salute.

  2. Listen man, this is what you gotta say.. word for word “hey girl, I peeped you staring at me as I was staring at you… you want to go out for drinks or coffee sometime?”

    Shoot your shot playa

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