Had this conversation with a friend last night. We couldn’t imagine how else we would have spent our youth, but we know there are people out there who did different things. Or are there?

Edit – I mean besides working, studying, gaming etc. We all did that but you can’t do those 24/7!

  1. I went on photography walks with my friends late at night.

    We also had game nights because a bunch of us are nerds and love board games.

  2. Wow lucky you. Is it really hard to think there are plenty that didn’t do much of either of those.

  3. I saved alot of money, now I travel atleast 4 times a year, have a mortgaged house which I share with my father and brother.
    Going out drinking is really expensive, I know people who wil spend hundreds on a weekend which is just ridiculous to me, although this is my personal opinion, everyone is different.

    This is on minimum wage and I am 27.
    Although I did spend 5 years as a chef on a good wage.

    My girlfriend is the same as me, hates partying and socialising and her savings are ridiculous.

  4. I was about to list off studying, travelling, working, playing sports, building computers (was and still am a total geek!) .

    But yeah, after the came the nights of partying and shagging. You win OP!

  5. Did plenty of partying throughout my teens and 20s, but I also worked really hard to graduate uni and develop my career which meant long hours at times. I also did some travelling (incl a summer season abroad). Felt like a good balance tbh.

  6. Besides study and work, gaming mostly and attending Lan events and stuff like that. Tried the whole clubbing and party thing though on more than 1 occasion, but I just never saw what the big deal was with overly loud and bad music and cramming up against strangers Lol Proper music festivals were great though.

  7. Reading, watching YouTube & TV, playing sports, drawing, sewing, learning guitar, going to concerts, boardgame/cards nights, going to the cinema, pub or dinner with friends, shopping, camping & hiking, volunteering, chores etc.

  8. Studying, working, volunteering, trying new things with friends (e.g. playing guitar, learning to snowboard, dance classes, etc)

  9. 20s were spent working and going to the pub with friends. The friend group never changed – really didn’t meet anyone new.

  10. Playing sport, listening to music, gaming, computer based stuff like coding, early social media, forums etc.

    When I went to uni I did come out of my shell a lot and partied. But I was definitely considered a loser at school.

  11. I was a geek gamer up until my early twenties so didn’t have much wild fun in my teens. Most gaming and watching anime at home til sunrise some days.

    Early twenties dated a very religious girl so not much partying (or shagging).

    Had a year between relationships where I did do a lot of partying (some shagging).

    Mid twenties I met the loml who I’ve been with since. Did a lot of partying (and shagging) together for the rest of my twenties.

  12. 26 here, i like painting, learning french, shows, museums, travelling, geocaching, reading

    Spent maybe 18-23 partying but in hindsight only because I was depressed lol

    Bar maybe once or twice I never did the hookup thing
    Always single or long term relationship.

  13. So basically you mean what did we do in the evenings when we weren’t partying and shagging…

    Watched TV, Played pool (I was in a pool league), Played snooker (Preferred pool), Went swimming, Chilled with some mates, Spent a lot of time at comedy clubs and played in a brass band.

  14. I got hobbies, worked through my anxiety issues and finally processed my parents divorce.

    Also made really good friends and travelled

  15. Met my husband at 16, spent my teens and early twenties buying a house, getting married and having kids. Still did a lot of partying and snagging but not sure it’s in the same context that you meant it in when it was all with the same/one person 😂😂

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