Follow up to my last post

I was direct with him and he was far nore prepared then I expected, I told him in the morning and we basically just kinda did stuff, once school ended we walked home and I went to his house. We made out, got close and then he pulled out the condoms. Which while I admire his readiness had me questioning if he’s more experienced so I stopped him there. Told him I wanted to finish a project that’s due Monday quick to enjoy the weekend and so we did that.

I’m home now and I’m in a really good mood but now I want to get ready and have at least some idea in terms of what to do.

My current knowledge is basically just porn which I assume is as staged as a WWE fight. So anything helps tbh

  1. The wiki of this sub is an awesome resource filled with tons of information. I recommend checking it out!

  2. I think you may have confused “more experienced” with “if there is one chance in a million that I might have sex .. I won’t miss out because I did not have condoms handy”

  3. An incredibly good resource for your exact situation is – have a good read through the site, it’s designed to offer friendly, non-stigmatising, comprehensive sex ed for the real world for teens and people who haven’t learned much yet.

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