i never know what to say, or how to make people laugh. im usually worried ill come off as weird or unintentionally rude in some way

  1. I don’t worry about the being rude part anymore, mostly because I only text people I already know I real life and they know how I mean things.
    I also found that texting whatever comes to mind, especially the things that are weird to think and especially say, end up being the best conversations. That’s also usually very funny.

    It helps me to explain it afterwards. As in:
    “I like to eat cheese with a shit load of mayonnaise on it.”~me

    “Just like I saw your mom do it? That’s so gross.” ~partner

    “Jup. But it’s still the way society accepts it better. Imagine if I just started eating mayonnaise out of the jar, in public. You wouldn’t want to be seen with me.” ~me

    And then we laugh about it, because he understands that me being weird/me isn’t hurting anyone.

  2. Texting is strange. 90% of face to face conversation is body language and delivery, often the words that come out of your mouth hardly matter. When you’re texting, the words are a much larger chunk. Anyways to answer your question, my advice would be to pretend you’re playing table tennis with the other person. Keep your answers open ended, don’t just answer a question and then leave it at that, people often take that as a sign you may not be interested in the conversation. Also, visuals can help a lot. Pictures are underrated, you can keep a conversation going by changing the subject to a photo of what you’re eating, a picture of your pets, a funny cloud outside your window, the options are endless really. The short answer is just try to be more of a trampoline than a brick wall when it comes to texting.

  3. I struggle with the same thing…Usually worrying about it is what sabotages you in the first place and gets your mind stuck on what to think or say because you’re worried about how they’re going to receive / understand the message. My best advice is to speak your mind without overthinking, go with your own flow/subconscious mind, however hard that may sound. If you’re worried it’s more about you caring about what they think than genuinely not having anything to say. Be yourself and if the other person doesn’t like you, they’re not worth talking to.

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