I don’t know why but this has started 2 months ago so pretty recently. When he or I brought issues, we would talk it out softly and hear out both sides. But now, when I do something wrong (especially when its on me) such as not telling him I feel sick, he raises his voice and gets really mad. (I was feeling nauseous and couldn’t eat much when we had a fancy dinner with the in-laws yesterday and they were enjoying their meals a lot so I didnt want to worry them or ruin the mood. Later on when I told him, he was shocked and got mad I didnt tell him sooner which I should have) I know he is worried but I feel so scared when he raises his voice so loud like that. Does he not think Im listening because I am. I didn’t say anything since I feel intimidated and he said he’s gonna go and hanged up on the spot. But during that conversation when he was raising his voice and I said he should calm down and Ill hang up, he gets even more furious and says I’m immature. Im not really sure how to deal with this and am afraid of bringing up any issues now…

I feel he did change after getting married. He keeps talking about being a man and having to work harder. I feel he is working much more harder on his projects and going to the gym even more to the point where he skipped out on our Saturday dates. We still do go on dates every Sunday but he always seems so tired and says so himself. I also feel ever since his dad came back from Korea, his dad has been teaching him how to be a successful man as he himself is quite successful. So he may have alot of pressure from that.

  1. You can try “well if bad news makes you feel angry at me, I will try not to disturb you with bad news”. See how he responds.

  2. He thinks you should have interrupted the dinner to tell him this? This is kind of weird to me. You need to get into counseling. If you can’t, you need to speak to him about this in a kind way when he is not mad. Maybe tell him that you are worried that he is stressed because he seems different. But also you need to make it clear (gently) that yelling at you is not okay and that you won’t tolerate that.

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