She said ‘when you have kids one day you need to know that little boys poop on themselves more than little girls” and I said mom I told you to stop saying that. And she pretended she didn’t know what I was talking about. And I told her ‘stop always saying ‘when you have kids one day’ I’ve told her before and I thought she kind of stopped now she’s doing it again. and she got mad and said OH COME ON THAT IS RIDICULOUS SO WHAT YOURE JUST NEVER GONNA HAVE KIDS ONE DAY??? GIMME A BREAK YOU CANNOT GIVE ME A LIST AND TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT TALK ABOUT ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU ARE TOO IMMATURE TO TALK ABOUT HAVING KIDS

1 comment
  1. I always end up having the same disagreement with my parents, “You’ll change your mind when you’re older” Well guess what, I am older and still don’t want to grow a kid. Idk what you should do about it. If your feeling bold, say you’ll only have kids with a 50-year-old fedora and Hawaiian shirt wearing man who lives in Florida. Just freak them out a bit or something.

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