I few days ago I posted on how I felt that my bf was being overly possessive. Since then I have racked my brains trying to think of a way to bring it up to him so that we can talk and figure things out. However he’s just posted on Instagram that he “hates everything” and “never trust anybody”. I was concerned about it and tried asking him what was going on.

He then told me that he has suicidal thoughts everyday. I don’t know how to react to this. I’m afraid if I speak my mind I will end up making his temper explode and I don’t know what will happen then. I’ve asked him what he wants me to do for him.. all he said was “I just need you and your love for me” but to me it doesn’t let me help him in any way because I don’t think that I am suitable to handle his emotions.

I don’t know when he will finally explode. My sense of dread grows everyday. I feel like I can’t talk about anything that troubles me because it will hurt him, which in turn will make our relationship worse.

If you’re wondering why I am so afraid of his temper blowing its because I’ve seen it happen before, though not directed at me. We meet every week but I am afraid of what he might do to himself, since he’s told me he feels like doing self harm.

1 comment
  1. Contact a mental health service in your location. Give your boyfriend’s name and the facts (s. Idealization, mood swings,) take their advice. Contact a domestic crisis hotline and ask to speak with a therapist or counselor.

    The second you get a chance, RUN. He has issues that you can not fix and should not try to fix.

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