What would happen if a surgeon puked on your organs during surgery?

  1. They would probably have to flush the wound with saline and possibly give you some extra antibiotics. I doubt they would inform you of the mishap. Doctors typically wear one or more masks though for surgery.

  2. More interesting is how would you find out, hear the nurses in the hallway before they come in “lol yeah, i said he would throw up if he ate that stuff, and during surgery, who would have guessed, [curtains pulled back] hi Mr Bangnuts, how are you feeling?”

  3. Considering some hospitals bring a group of students in to practice pelvic exams sometimes while you are still under anesthesia for surgery, and don’t let you know about it. I can’t see why they would notify you of this either.

  4. Surgeons like to say: the solution to pollution is dilution. It’s not uncommon to have bowel contents in the peritoneal cavity, from the patient though, not the Dr. They lavage the peritoneal cavity with saline. Still can end up with abscesses that need to be drained afterwards.

    When I was a med student there was an incompetent cardio-thoracic surgery fellow. I heard he screwed up during cardiac surgery and his face was sprayed with blood that fell back into the patients chest. I don’t know how that played out.

  5. I like how a lot of people are answering as if the question was what would YOU do not what would happen

  6. My dad is a surgeon and passed out unconscious once during surgery. They had to admit him to the hospital. Not quite the same thing as what you’re asking, but they had to scramble to find a replacement surgeon during surgery

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