Whenever I try to have sex with my partner (25M) my chest starts to feel tight and I can’t get into the headspace and I can’t stay wet. I feel desire and turned on but it’s like my body refuses to stay turned on and I dry up! Nothing else in our relationship has changed and we are intimate in other ways like cuddling and dancing and just being together. He’s more than understanding about it and we have had open communication about it to see what we can do because we both miss it. I’ve tried mediation and we’ve tried more foreplay and teasing beforehand but to no avail. I really don’t know what’s causing it or how to resolve it. Anyone who has experienced this before, what helped??

  1. So no changes in the relationship itself, any changes to outside stresses? Do you have a bad history with sex in some way?

  2. I have the same problem, but with one-night stands. Try and talk about sex with him, and develop some intimacy that can cause both of you to feel at ease.

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