Why do I keep blushing and how do I stop?

So I sit with some people at lunch and once in a while they’ll ask me a question and I’ll answer but I’ll also start to blush.

I got into a group of people at a cooking lab with one of my good friends and every time one of the others would ask me a question I would get nervous and avoid eye contact and then blush.

I also blush even when it’s over text.

  1. There’s a FB group called iBlush with many people who struggle with blushing. Just in case you’re looking for others who struggle with the same thing.

    Also a memoir by an author with social anxiety who blushes is called, ‘Redface’ by Russell Norris. Haven’t read it but I heard him talk on a podcast and he sounded insightful.

    Blushing is something I’ve personally struggled with and still do to a certain extent. I’m mostly just focusing on treating my social anxiety. For me the blushing hasn’t been as much of a problem in recent years as negative self-talk as well as feelings of panic and anxiety.

    I do a TON of muscle massage, like every day at least once I use a lacrosse ball to massage muscles and reduce tension. I have a theory that decreased muscle tension has somehow helped me reduce blushing, but I don’t have too much to back that up aside from a gut feeling about my personal experiences.

    I definitely blush when I’m talking about myself or just talking at all. I hate talking about myself partly because it makes me blush. But talking to a therapist and in support groups is great practice.

    Hope something in here helps.

  2. You just need more practice in social situations. Blushing is a nervous reaction so if you expose yourself to social situations more then you’ll become more comfortable and your lizard brain will stop considering questions a threat.

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