Kinda went on a long rant with my partner until it got too boring for her to follow. How do you guys cope with stress. I know workout helps but what are some other ways you guys cope?

  1. Ranting and venting usually makes you more upset. You’re not helping yourself; you’re using your partner as a placeholder for a conversation you wish you could have with someone else.

    Think on that. I’m either right or wrong, and if I’m wrong you got nothing to lose by thinking it over at the very least. If I’m right, I saved you about 4 months of therapy.

  2. Just do what you like man , if you like playing games all day play them , learn to appreciate yourself and give yourself what you like and need , stop giving those things to other people , and go out with your friends have parties anything related to fun , life is just to short to be stressed or anxious etc. Just say fuck it or it is what it is ( it helps me ) 🙂

  3. Is ranting/venting unhealthy? I think they’re healthy and an important part of destressing, but you just need to read the room and know who you’re venting to and how much patience they have for it.

    Exercise and sex are my favorite destressors. I also find making food to be cathartic. And if all else fails, nothing beats sleep.

  4. It’s important to rant and vent. You are allowed to have feelings and speak about them.

    Yes, running and pumping iron help to manage the symptoms of stress but they do not treat the underlying cause.

    Verbalizing negative emotions helps to process and accept them, and kickstarts the brain’s problem-solving process. Having support and empathy from friends and loved ones lessen the burden and you’ll find that once emotional demons are brought into light, they lose their power and dissipate.

    I hate the expectation that men should cope with their feelings by “burying” them. Somehow it is more acceptable for a man to admit that he is an alcoholic than that he is suffering from burnout, depression or anxiety.

  5. Monologuing is hard, I’m a very verbose person so when I’m trying to express how I feel it turns into a long detailed dissertation, which is such a turn off for every partner I’ve had.

    What I have found to helpful for me is to go for a walk where I literally talk out loud to myself and basically rehearse my ‘speech’ and get everything out. Then I focus on what are the key points and what was just expressing the same thing in different ways. Remove the repetition, stick to key points, and then think of ways the trigger situation could have been handled differently Ie “when x happened I felt y, but if we would have done z instead we could have avoided all this”

    Yes, I’m an engineer. I apply the same process to my emotions. Lol

  6. Time out through walking, running, drinking, just whatever to decompress, if you feel the same afterwards? The rant/vent is the only cure

  7. BJJ
    Go get your ass beat a few times each week. It’s humbling and a wonderful way to reduce stress. Plus, it’s great exercise and you’ll only get better with time.

  8. I only rent to two people, My best friend and my brother. They are the only people that can handle my hatred for the shit people pull. And I’m also their sounding board as well. You have to have someone other than your spouse to belt too, but always always bellyache a little to your s.o. about small stuff that you both hate, keeps a good bond. All the other comments have very valid supplements to this but I think this is essential, never swallow your words for to long or you will suffer.

  9. Sex. Hobbies. Tackling the situation head on and resolving it. Even if it’s bad, I would rather know than be anxious.

    I find a good blowjob just relaxes me…

  10. Find a healthy outlet, preferably something physical. I was never a martial artist until about two years ago when I began learning HEMA and it’s become the best way to clear my head. When you’re sparring nothing aside from you and your opponent matters. Rest of the world kinda blurs and you just act and react.

    Never fails to pull me out of my own head

  11. Video Games, depending on the individual there’s something for everyone. Games like Elden Ring help cause it’s conquering a difficult task, and feeling good about myself.

  12. Exercise and running. Stress is mental exhaustion and takes a heavy toll. Look at Ukraine President Zelenskyy before the war and now. Mind you that is also lack of sleep and bad food, but also the shear stress of what he is going through. Gotta find an out that isn’t food or drug based and do it.

  13. Take that negative energy and put it into something positive that helps someone out or does some kind of good.
    Also, working out.

  14. Vent a little, but not much. Then do something that allows your mind to wander (a shower/bath, a long walk especially with a dog, a long drive) and think about the situation. Work out a way of reframing it so that it is no longer toxic to you.

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