I signed up for a gym in my town and the lady who worked there seemed super friendly at first, she helped me sign up and was smiling and chatty. I thought she seemed cool as well as the other gym staff who were men, we made small talk at first. And after about a week of going every morning and seeing them, when I was leaving the gym after I just finished my work out i said ” have a good day!” To the girl who helped me with signing up for my gym membership originally, and ever since they all stopped talking to me, they don’t say “good morning” anymore or “have a good day” when I leave. They don’t even smile at me anymore like they used to the first week. Did I do something wrong?

  1. No you just aren’t a new member anymore. They are most likely told to be extra nice to potential members and new members. They want people signing up. It has nothing to do with you.

  2. You’ve already paid to sign up so she’s not wasting her charm on you.

  3. Nah, they have to be nice to beginners. After you start paying, they couldn’t care less about you

  4. Ask to cancel your membership. When they ask why, you can tell them it’s their fake manners.

  5. Remember reddit’s favourite rule “correlation does not equal causation”

    It could be as others have said, they are only friendly with newbys.

    Or it could be that there has just been some rule change like “free staff lunches are cancelled” and they are all pissed off.

    The probability is that this has nothing to do with you. However, i don’t do business with places where people are unfriendly. If it continues, take your business elsewhere.

    Alternatively, you could show up with a jar of jelly beans and say “the staff seemed like they were going through a rough patch, so I brought you these”

  6. Yea they got what they wanted out of you so they no longer care to be at the top of their customer service with you. That’s one reason I quit the industry after being a trainer for five years. Most gyms don’t really care to help people they just want your money

  7. poo in the fruit they have on the counter (if they do as some gyms dont) and make them eat it

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