So I have this thing where I try to talk with Strangers (online) to text my social skills. Most of the time I can start of the conversation pretty well. I mostly ask questions, hear their answer, give my opinion on it etc. But a time comes when I suddenly just stop. It happens because the other person is really not contributing to the conversation that much. So I start to think that they feel annoyed with me so they are not talking so I just don’t say anything. And then we never talk again.

This is the problem I face 1 on 1 chat. Don’t face the same problem in Group chat. Because someone always has something to say.

Is it a problem?
Is it the problem with me who can’t carry on the conversation single handedly?
Am I overthinking it?
If its a problem then how to fix it?

  1. If you don’t know what to say, ask them what their favorite “x” is. Favorite food, video games, etc. You can then then use their answers as building blocks for the future as well as to initiate discussion

    For example, they say their favorite video game is The Last of Us after you ask them. You then respond with your opinion of the game, as well as your favorite game, then it builds off. Then down the road, you can ask if The Last of Us 2 is worth buying.

    Of course there are plenty of ways to maintain conversations but this is the easiest in my opinion.

  2. people always like talking about themselves, and if you’re truly interested in them, you might want to try asking this:

    Friend: I like hiking

    You: Ohh what got you started?

    When you’re being truly interested in others, you’ll be seen as interesting.

    There are some variations to that, but the point is to get them talking about their why. Why do they like this and not that? What’s the story behind xxx?

    Always so much things to talk about. I’ve learnt this the hard way so hopefully, you don’t have to.

    Anw, my friends created an app that helps college students from the same city connect with a sense of human touch through 1-1 voice calls, by talking about the things they are keen on. Check it out if you’re keen! It’s called ‘Okepos’ . All the best!

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