Hi there! Hope everyone out there is having a nice day! Anyways, I have a second date coming up and I am looking forward to it.

What are some, great 2nd date ideas for people living in the NOVA/DC Area.? I went on a date last week with a beautiful, young woman and it seemed like it went well! She said she’s free to go out on another date! She is the first person I’ve been genuinely excited to go on a date with in about two years. Obviously I can’t control the future but I would like to keep going on dates with her (maybe we’ll end up dating for real).

Also any advice from a female perspective about things you love guys to do for you on follow-up dates is welcome! I also would love to hear from males who have been in the dating scene for a while

A little context: I am a 28 year old, handsome, single male who just moved to the DC/NOVA area from California for work a few months ago. I have never had an actual relationship before and I’ve only gone on 3-4 dates before with a woman before. I am a naturally introverted person, INTJ, still a little shy. I have my share of insecurities but I try not to let those get the better of me. A close friend told me last night that I severely underrated myself because in his words “I am genuinely a nice, person”.

My date: She is a 23 year old female going to a university in the NOVA. She is GORGEOUS, friendly, nice, artistic (used to go to school for acting).

  1. You have GOT to be KIDDING!! You are currently in the best and most interesting area of the country since Disneyland. All you need is some slight inkling what she finds interesting and you can schedule the rest of your life with what that area has to offer. Sheesh……get to work…….

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