Please help

  1. you are loved and perfect here & now. even if you feel like you have nobody to share it with. You have the biggest love of your life with you now who will be with you forever, everyone else is a bonus. One day you WILL find that connection and maybe even miss the peacefulness of solitude . Let yourself feel hugged by the universe <3 you are never really alone in the bigger picture or even the smallest picture

  2. Tell me about the people around you
    Where do you live?
    How old are you?
    Have you ever thought that it may be normal to feel lonely in some stages of life?

  3. Break the cycle. Loneliness can get to feeling normal and it’s important to break that cycle . Do something social you wouldn’t normally do even if that’s sitting in a coffee shop and just being around people that you’re not interacting with. Lol I know that was specific that’s what I tend to do. Also know that loneliness is a temporary feeling that will pass <3 we ALL experience it as humans I hope you feel connected soon bc you are appreciated and worthy

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