What is the hardest part about being in a committed relationship?

  1. Putting so much trust into someone only to fear that one day they will leave.

  2. There will be times that you’re not at your best, or they’re not at their best, and you dislike each other, but you’d find way to work through it together and still be there for each other.

  3. I have my own insecurities, but I worry that I’ll give a relationship my all and they’ll have been faking it the whole time, no matter how much they seem to love me.

  4. To know that I’m not mentally stable and he has to watch sometimes when I hardly can breathe.. or how anxious I can be (honestly, sometimes I feel I’m scary)

  5. Learning how to communicate and express without hurting each other’s feelings. At least that’s going on in my relationship rn. It’s difficult to see perspective sometimes. But hopefully it’ll be rewarding in the end. If not then I’m sure I’ll learn something.

  6. Having the same arguments about whose turn it is to do the washing up or take the rubbish out 😂

  7. Letting someone in, and giving them your whole heart. Not knowing 100% if they feel the fans

  8. Trust is just a word. It’s the understanding that you might not know the other person at all. They could break your heart, leave, cheat on you, have another life, or even be scamming you. And they know all of your secrets. That’s tough. And trauma.

    *An integral part of any relationship is knowing that you could be killed in your sleep at any time.* -Trent Reznor

  9. For me.. the idea that if he really knew me, he would not want to stay with me.

    The problem is I’m not really sure what it is I’m hiding and think I almost have to convince them im not worth it.

    I guess it’s the trauma talking.

  10. Me and my wife have been together for 30 years. 26 years married. Marriage requires effort. Not all the time, just occasionally. People today seem to think if you hit a rough patch It wasn’t meant to be. It’s the rough patches that strengthen love. She has stood by me an loved me as I have battled anxiety and depression. I will stand by her till the day I die to help her battle fibromyalgia. I can’t take the pain and discomfort she feels away but I can make sure the car is warm and the seat warmer is on so she doesn’t have to get in a cold car. We both work at the same place so I drop her off at the door nearest her classroom and I go park on the other side of the building. I then drive around to pick her up when school is out. If she needs something at 3 in the morning, and she has, all I need to know is what and how much. I have never been abusive an I have never cheated but as with any man I can be an idiot at times. So I am not perfect by any stretch but because we both show our love through our actions to each other every day we KNOW we love each other. I always tell her I love her everyday and the last thing she hears from me if we are on the phone is “I love you” if something ever happens to me I want those words to be the last thing I said. We worked to get to this point, it didn’t happen overnight don’t give up at the first sign of trouble. On the other hand DO NOT PUT UP WITH HATEFUL ABUSIVE SO’s. Love is work but not that kind of work.

    For all the kind comments thank you. I genuinely hope you meet the person who realizes “wow I won! They see your inherent beauty and your undeniable worth. I did and I wish that happiness on everybody. It doesn’t get better that this.

  11. My relentless insecurities. Doesn’t seem to matter how much therapy I do, insecurity prevails. My partnet is loyal and amazing, and loves me a lot, and I just dont understand why.

  12. Being concerned about your partners well being and feeling helpless when they aren’t okay

  13. Communication. I grew up in a home where everyone acted passive aggressively and refused to talk to each other. It’s been challenging learning to communicate effectively with my partner and work as a team.

  14. Seeing your partner’s worst qualities. It is part of intimacy, but it is hard.
    That and the farts.

  15. Expecting my bf to read my mind when I’m upset, even when he asks me if I am and I say no, so he doesn’t know he did anything wrong and setting him up for failure in doing so, until I tell him how he upset me days later and making him feel bad for not knowing, cause otherwise ofc he would’ve never wanted to upset me in the first place.

    Just learning to vocalize my feelings, wants and needs, more. In a clear and very simple way for his male brain who’s just trying it’s best haha

  16. I would say in my relationship for me it’s learning to take time and space for myself and communicating that well. Like when i lived alone or with roommates if I was in a bad mood i would just go home or to my room and chill there. But living with a partner, now I have to actively think “how am I feeling right now” and then try to figure out what I need if I’m in a bad mood so I don’t take it out on my partner. Like do I need water? Do I need sleep? Do I need to be by myself and not talk right now? And I need to figure that out while interacting with my partner but before I say anything. Thats what I’ve been working on for the past little while.

  17. Not being able to have absolute freedom in my decision making. But then again I really like having someone else around who can help me to make good decisions.

  18. Honestly, the thought that one day he could pass away and leave me alone. He has a history of high cholesterol and is a smoker and has a family history of heart issues. I fear no one would ever love me like he does. I would never find another like him.
    Also, being annoyed by all their little quirks.

  19. To find out they’re settling for you and would leave as soon as a better option came around

  20. Being taken for granted because you treat a man well.

    Then you leave and suddenly you were the best thing that happened to him.

  21. Not taking my husband for granted. I sometimes forget to appreciate the little things he does. For example, I am an insomniac. I sleep weird hours and when I sleep he goes and does the chores I hate, like grocery shopping.

    He makes sure I drink enough water, to try and sleep, eat my protein.

    He shows his love in tiny ways and I tend to over look them.

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