Just curious, how would you as a guy react if you know there is a girl who has been liking you silently for years (4+ yrs)? Would you give her a chance, treat her better, or avoid seeing and talking with her ever again?

I’m asking just to know if I should confess or move on from it. Thanks!

  1. I might give a chance depending on a few things. Otherwise, I’ll limit interactions because that shite’s painful for the person.

  2. If have feelings for him for that long u should give it a go, in my case depending how I feel towards “you” I’ll maybe make a move. If I don’t feel anything at all well maybe I’ll be more considerate when I see u.

  3. Never hurts to have an adult conversation. I’ve kept quiet and spoken up. For me both ended badly

  4. I had this situation with my previous girlfriend. She initially rejected my proposal to go out as a little revenge for not noticing her feeling earlier, but in the end we were in a relationship for several years and even got engaged – though in the end we both were too pragmatic to sacrifice our job/lifestyle for one another and returned to being just friends.

  5. How the fuck am I supposed to know if someone likes me but doesn’t say anything about it? If she confesses e everything, obviously she’ll have a chance. If she requires me to act like Sherlock Holmes and then ask her out, then no.

  6. Don’t tell him you’ve liked him for four years, whatever you do. You’ll just scare him off.

    Keep it casual, act like it’s a new crush.

    But you have to go for it, or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

  7. I’m human, I understand emotions are difficult. I don’t really feel either way about this.

  8. I don’t know how I would react, there are many factors. But you should just take your shot.

  9. I would get to know her and give things a chance. But you don’t get to pick who you like. And if the feelings aren’t reciprocal then there’s not much either of you can do.

  10. Not gonna lie, if I liked her and saw her a bit, something probably would’ve happened by Year 2. (This could even be me giving off a signal and you initiating)

    Your mileage may vary though.

    Also, if you’re in high school or something, then ignore everything I said and just go hang around the girls he hangs out with and wait.

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