Just as the title asks.
Has anyone ever been the person claiming its the wrong time, for this to actually change X months / years down the line and reconnected with that same person?

  1. Nope, I believe you would make it work and see it as not ideal timing only and as a first challenge in a relationship. After all, how can you schedule true love? Plus there will be more obstacles in a LTR than difficult timing.

  2. Yes. When I met my husband we dated for a little bit but I broke up with him pretty quickly. A year later I called him up and asked him out. That was more than 20 years ago and we are still together.

  3. Yes. I believe in this. People cross paths at different times that might not work due to emotional things happening in their lives outside of either persons control.

  4. I think it does exist; most of us have experienced it. I don’t think people reconnect (and if they do, make it last) often. But there is definitely a possibility, just not a high probability.

  5. I do. I’ve gone through periods of being emotionally unavailable throughout my life for one reason or another, and the men I’ve met during those times often would’ve made great partners had my circumstances been right.

  6. Yes, casually dated someone a year ago and they were very newly single, very transparent about not being ready for anything. They recently messaged, now ready for more and we went out a few times. Unfortunately, I am now the one who this is bad timing for. I realised pretty quickly I still need more time to get over someone I dated earlier this year.

  7. Yes. Right now I’m not looking to date. Anyone. I have other things that are just higher priority for me. If the perfect woman (to me) showed up, while I’m sure part of me would be conflicted, I’d pass. I know that what is right for me in this moment is to focus on the things I need to focus on, not date. So, right now is absolutely the wrong time, even if I met the right person.

  8. Yup, I was that person. I met my fiance right after a bad break up. We went on four dates and I quickly realized I was not ready to date, so I let him know and ended it. Two years later after I had healed, I reached back out because I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and asked him to meet up. We’re getting married in January!

  9. Yes, I dated someone this past winter that just felt so right. We had so much in common, niche stuff and general how we live day to day stuff. Unfortunately he was only a few weeks out of a 4 year relationship that he hadn’t processed or tied up the loose ends from and I still had some from my marriage to tie up. We lived halfway across the country from each other and he wasn’t set up to be able to visit. We dragged it out several months until I realized it was stressing me out and went no contact. He still feels like the right person, even my therapist thought it was uncanny how much we had in common and how well we clicked.

    I’m dating other people and considering not reconnecting when I go back to his area in a few months. Nobody else comes close. It’s not that he’s done stunningly wealthy, successful, gorgeous fall all over yourself catch, it’s just that he seemed to fit me like a puzzle piece. I still feel like had the outside factors not been there we would have been together with no hesitation. There were just so many things from mundane things like essentially already having the same diet and fitness habits to having goals that aligned, the same values and a willingness to discuss everything. Our connection was immediate and strong, I feel like if we met again that energy would still be there between us.

  10. I do believe in right person, wrong time. People go through so much shit and this baggage and trauma can definitely impact your ability to pursue something further. Some people are scared, some have walls, some are not willing to go through the work at that moment. Healing can make a huge difference. Timing can make a huge difference.

  11. i do. i also think it take’s so much courage to understand that the person you are with is the right person but it’s the wrong time. i knew someone. if i had met that someone after college, i think we would’ve married.

  12. Yep. Definitely feel like I could’ve potentially matched better with people had I met them with more experience/relationship maturity early on and vice versa.

  13. This exists! It remains a mystery and cannot be expected. It’s a moment of maturity at the “wrong” time to let go, and if it returns at a right time, it was truly meant to be 😌

  14. My mom and my stepfather were high school sweethearts and they reconnected 15 years after they broke up

  15. Yes I believe in it. But I don’t think this person will ever come back into my life so I’ve just moved on. Still have really fond feelings for him

  16. No. I feel like the universe has saved me a lot of heartache. That I was never meant to be with someone.

  17. My partner and I talk about this a lot. We met when we were both in relatively good places and not hung up on anyone else. Might not have worked in years past

  18. No.

    If I connect with someone and I don’t feel like the timing is right, I’m going to move on. It’s not fair to the other person for me to reach back out to them when it’s convenient for me.

  19. Yes and it hurts because I know what I want and what I can offer someone, but sometimes they don’t want the same thing at that point in time and because of exigent circumstances.

  20. No, ppl aren’t items on a shelf that you can inspect, put back & return for later. I would expect everyone from my past to have moved on with their life.

  21. Yes. I just ended a relationship with a wonderful woman after seven months. We both agree that we are almost perfect matches for each other. The only problem is that at this point in her life she doesn’t have time for a romantic relationship. We both wanted it, and we were trying to make it work, but it became obvious I was going to be waiting years before I would move up her priority list. We’re both really sad, and I hope we’ll remain friends.

  22. I was about to jump in with a response and realised there is a part two with “down the line, reconnected”, so I have zero experience there…But I’m only 36 and have decades of me to be proven wrong 😅

  23. Yes, i believe it, but sometimes circumstances becomes such an ass that it creates a melancholy !

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