My bf(21M) and I(F23) have been together for almost 2 years, we started dating during Covid and so he moved in with in a month of dating (we talked for many months before). The relationship has been great, a couple rough patches but nothing major. We’ve gone on trips and have truly enjoyed our lives together the past two years. But I have been noticing lately that we only hang out with each other, and rarely do we see our friends(We’ve never had any issues regarding our friends, or spending time apart) My 2 sisters live with us so we do see them often, but still do our separate activities. I’ve had no issue with spending all my time with my partner, and he’s never had an issue with it either. We both work full-time jobs so there is a some time spent apart. I’m concerned that it’s not healthy, because I am now realizing that I haven’t maintained my friendships the past two year. We both used to be very social, but Covid ended that. I don’t know if this is a real issue because I enjoy all the time we spend together.

  1. I don’t think it’s an issue it’s natural to happen but it’s important to remember to go out of your way to contact your friends bc that’s important too

  2. I feel like that’s pretty standard or natural. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. But its always good to see your friends too !

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