Recently my coworkers have told me that I don’t talk loud enough and that they have a hard time hearing me.

The problem is that I think I talk at a normal volume and get self conscious when I talk loudly. At the same time though, them telling me this has made me very self conscious about how quiet I am.

I’ve been trying to speak up, but it’s honestly really hard. Does anyone have any tips?

  1. You could try speaking out of your chest instead of up high in your mouth and nose. It has more air and muscle support from the chest. I’ve also noticed a lot of people have bad hearing so you have to be much louder for them.

  2. [here’s a video]( I saw a while ago about this sorta. You may not want to sound manly like the video states but they do go over some techniques to project better, such as breathing with the diaphragm and speaking with “the mask” of your voice.

    I’m also a quiet person. I rarely raise my voice and people don’t hear what I say a lot. But when I do raise my voice I imagine projective the words put, usually with my chest, with more force applied.

    Also I’ve learned that being quiet is based on my mood. I suffer from depression so I often don’t want to engage.

    If all else fails, just take it for what it is. Some people are loud and some are quiet. But people match energy so sometimes bringing a quiet mood to a group is good.

  3. I started telling people “listen” or “hey” in a louder voice and then speaking in my natural voice. If they dont hear me I motion for them to come closer, use sign when I speak, or I write it down. Most people can actually intuitively read lips and its more of an attention / focus problem. I refuse to scream.

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