Background: sy college girl, had really good friends growing up/ in school and now in college can’t vibe with almost anyone, I find many of them cringe or the cool ones which i like already have groups . I feel so lonely so alone. Nobody wants me or takes efforts to talk to me, My old friends who i assumed would be like my friends forever have found new ones and are having the time of their lives while i am a pathetic loser who cries herself to sleep.

This birthday was like the lonliest one, my roomies bought cake but thats it, my old friends did not call just one of them did none of them put up insta stories, ik instagram should not affect me but it does like way too much when i see the people who used to have fun with me having fun with diff. people putting up stories to wish them on birthdays going on trips meanwhile i struggle to find people to talk to in class. i feel i am really cool but all this is affecting my self esteem to the point where i have started hating my pathetic self and crying over every possible issue.

Now the girl who used to be my best kinda friend came back from college and went on about how she had the time of her life and enjoyed so much and i felt bad ik i should not but my life sucks man like there is nothing interesting in my life just plain boring.

I joined clubs (even the one which has all the cool ones) but it has not helped.

The earlier me used to live in the moment had fun, did not care about insta stories(my friends used to put up) but i was totally unconcerned but now if i go to someplace i want to show off that i am having fun to my old friends and vice versa this is so not me.

I live 3 hrs away from clg and come home for the weekends most of the time. I feel like running away from that city(pune, india btw) and just come home.

  1. At least you had friends, I’ve never had any friends because I am socially awkward as fuck from birth.

    At least you HAVE the ability to make friends.

    I NEVER had anyone else but family show up to my birthdays.

    You have it so much better than you realize.

  2. you just think you are lonely because you had it better, and believe me from what i have read you are not that lonely you even got people to get you a cake, my last birthday i went to see a SW that i have feelings for but its imposible, she was the only non family member to give me a gift, and my family just gave me money because now i live in another country, THATS lonelyness, and anyways you are a woman just download tinder and you will get hundreds of desperate men to take you on dates, even if you are ugly you can get this guys to take you anywhere you want and just end up like friends, oh and delete instagram thats just a fountain of depression best thing i ever did, just use whatsapp to talk to your friends.

  3. Here’s some friendly advice from one college undergraduate in India to another. I am writing this because I really relate to this…
    I have some great friends and I love them. But believe me, to everyone they are the protagonist of their own story. Above all there’s only one person you need to have a very good relationship with and that is you yourself. These people who you want to be friends with today will be replaced by someone else tomorrow, just like those whom you wanted to be friends with in high school were replaced by your colleagues in college.
    Work on yourself, dream and explore this world, there are people out there way cooler than these “cool” people. If you keep on getting stronger and keep on exploring instead of fixating on somehow getting these people to be your “friends”, you will never feel alone because you will be your own best friend. And I don’t know how this works, but I have always seen, people who are defined by themselves and their dream and values never run out of friends because people are attracted to them.

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