This girl from work and I went out last Friday and have made plans to hangout at her place this Friday. We had an amazing time, almost 10 hours just talking, getting to know each other, some touches here and there, staring. Nothing happened at the end of the night but we made plans! She confirmed the plans over text but didn’t say anything else

I see her at work everyday so it’s hard to know how to act. Today we talked just about work but not much else, she thanked me for Friday but the vibe was obviously different. I feel like I want to tell her so many things but I can’t for some reason I stop myself. Like I don’t think I’ve even told her how much I enjoyed Friday night, but seems late now. Maybe mention that I’m looking forward to Firday?

I don’t wanna ruin it before Friday comes and she cancels or loses attraction or something.

On the other hand I’m not acting much different than when she asked me out so just continue doing what I’m doing and wait until Friday? Overthinking will be the death of me

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