Hey guys,

So if you remember from my previous post, I tried to talk to a few girls and it didn’t go to well.

I went out this weekend again and it was a bit better. Didn’t talk to many girls as I wanted to but I still put myself out there. So I went a bar and sat down had a drink between two guys, one of them didn’t talk and left and the other one I just had a short conversation and found out he was a dj in training and was here to dj later on with his friend. Had a good chat with him and then he had to go. Later a girl came and asked if the seat was available. I told her it was and she sat down. She was a regular cause the bartenders knew her and everyone was friendly to her. She did try to order a drink but the bartenders were busy so I made a comment about how I wouldn’t yell for them and just wait patiently until they were ready. So that kinda started our conversation and I asked her if she comes here often and what she does and all that. She did the same to me. It was a friendly chat and I made some terrible joke which made her laugh and stuff. Also she had ordered some food and I guess the bartender thought we were together because we were laughing and having a good time, that they gave me a plate as well and thought we were sharing food haha. She asked if I wanted to eat but I politely declined.

After about 15-20 minutes, I excused myself and left to go to another bar. I kinda fucked up here because I didn’t tell her I was leaving. I went to the bathroom and left(I had already closed my tab before she came so she didn’t see me close out) and I felt bad cause I should’ve gone back and said good bye and gotten her name. But I’m sure I’ll see her again(probably a good opener for next time haha).

Anyways, I went to the club/bar next door and went up to the bar and got a drink. This time no girls sat next to me haha but I kinda wanted to just enjoy the night. Good music and people dancing on the dance floor was fun. Had one drink and went to the rest room. This is where I decided that I don’t just want to sit at the bar the whole night and not drink a lot of alcohol tonight. So I came back and got some water. Soon a guy that I had met the last time showed up and we were talking and watching the girls on the dance floor. He is a good dancer so he kinda went in and danced while I stayed out and watched.

Later got another drink and was feeling good in general. Talking to guys is a lot easier for me so I was just randomly talking to some people. Nothing substantial and nothing for too long. My buddy tried to get me to the dance floor but I really can’t dance but I was like fuck it and went anyway. Probably made a fool of myself but meh.

Kinda just enjoyed the rest of the night and had fun. Didn’t really dance with girls one on one but did as a group. There were a few hot girls who I made eye contact with and hyped them up and probably made them feel hot as shit on the dance floor haha(I am the best hype man)

So basically it was a good night and just enjoyed more than the last. I guess slowly opening up and relaxing while out. Still need to work on myself as I am very self deprecating. I always talk bad about myself but I’ve been more aware of it now and working on stopping that.

Thanks for reading. I’ll try to update when I can and hopefully inspire others who might be alone and afraid to go out alone to just do it. It’s really not that bad and I’ve found that I have a better time alone most of the time. It’s gonna feel uncomfortable at first but you’ll be fine haha.

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