How did you meet your SO?

  1. It started when I was younger and I didn’t know my SO. Then, I found a website for meeting people. I signed up, SO signed up around the same time. I found SO’s profile, then… it happened.

    tl;dr: online dating

  2. Told the story yesterday on another post. Here’s a little more details. My parents built a house out on a sort of semi-rural property. I was 5 years old when we moved-in in the summer of 1983. I started Kindergarten that fall. The first day of school, there was this girl at my table, with big eyes, dark hair in braids with little berets, pink dress, and white polished shoes. Turns out, she lived across the street from us. It was sort of difficult to get to know her, though. She didn’t speak English. Her parents were from Mexico. They didn’t allow English in the home even though they both spoke it fluently and so do the older siblings. Sort of family heritage/tradition stuff and being able to converse with extended family members. Her parents were serious about their kids speaking spanish as a first language. So she started Kindergarten not knowing English. This is how all her older siblings started school, too. And in those day, in a predominately white community and schools, it was odd to have a non-english speaker there. I just remember she sat there in sort of a perpetual state of tears because there was no one for her to talk to. Of course, I wasn’t going to initiate. She scared me. lol. But of course the fact she lived across the street I got to know her over the following months and years. My mom tells the story of how she had not seen her in quite a while. And around the end of the school year she said, “Hi, Mrs. Silver…..I speak English now!!!” My mom thought that was the sweetest thing ever. Anyway, she and I we never quite friends. More just tolerate each other due to geographic proximity. There was never anything romantic between us. And then something changed in our early 20’s – – been married 19 years and have 4 kids.

  3. FB dating.

    On the very day i had planned to give in and accept being single until further notice.

    Only useful thing FB has done for me

  4. My last ex and I actually went to high school together, but we didn’t start dating until a few years after we had graduated. I ran into her at a store, we chatted and I asked her to dinner.

  5. Was in Panama at my old home for vacation. Met her on bumble. Went on two dates. Didn’t realize she was into me so I made no move, which ticked her off since she claimed she was dropping all the signals. Left to join the military, had a relationship with a Korean lady that broke off when I was forced to return to Colorado for my next duty station. She had been hitting me up every now and again via instagram. Eventually comes clean about her interest in me and it just rolled out cleanly from there

  6. On a public bus. I saw her sitting across from me one morning on the way to work, her looking professional, while I sat pretending to be asleep wearing dark glasses trying to stare up her skirt. I noticed that while she chose a different route, our destination was always the same. I changed my route and eventually started up small conversations. One night on a full bus she got on and the only open seat was next to me. I had just received a bottle of wine from a customer and asked her if she’d like to share it with me. The rest, as they say, is history. We’re celebrating our 22nd anniversary today.

  7. Online before I moved overseas to guam at the time so that way I could make some friends and actually know someone and show me around the island and all the awesome stuff. Still never regretted making that decision up to now!

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