So I reconnected with a girl from high-school and we went on a few dates over the past couple weeks. Everything was going great she would always text me saying she had a good time after and this week I started to like her. After our last date she had said she had a good time and had even been snapping me first at the beginning of the week but by the end of the week I’m waiting 6 hours for a shitty reply lol. I guess it showed that I liked her over our snapchats and suddenly she goes cold (taking hours to reply, saying she’s busy for dates, ect.). I’m wondering where I went wrong, here are a few of the things we talked about over snap this week. She sends me a pic of her in glasses I call her pretty, I sent my gym pics she calls me hot then I tell her how happy that makes me, she is sick I tell her to get well soon, I try to make plans she says her grandparents are in town, I tell her about one of my family issues she says she likes to listen, I ask her to send me a country song (not a big country fan) and when she comes up with one I tell her I like it. Then begins the coldness. What happened? Is she just a player or did I show too much of my cards?

  1. Let me ask you this:

    1. How many dates did you guys go on?
    2. Were you intimate at all during this dates? (kissing, sex, etc)

    I don’t think venting to a women you are trying to attract about family issues is generally a good idea.

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