So I matched with this girl on tinder sometime last year. We got talking but as I told her I wasn’t looking for something really serious at that time (as I had a lot going on in my life back then) we gradually stopped talking.

Fast forward 9 months later, she texted me again and we started talking again. We talk everyday and send lots of pictures and stuff to one another. I tried to meet her up and she was difficult with that. Eventually she agreed to meet at her crib and she cancelled a day before we meet. Going forward, she didn’t bring up meeting up again but our texts keep getting more serious and we talked about lots of personal stuffs. I talked to her again about meeting in person and she asked me to come over to see a movie. This time she didn’t cancel. I got there, spent some hours at her’s and we just cuddled in the sofa. Nothing more, as she was closed off about that even when I tried to initiate.

I got home and the texts were the same; serious and deep. She said she had a good time last time and liked the fact that I was respectful about her boundaries. Now fast forward a month later, she’s not been open to the idea of us meeting again so far but kept texting me every minute and wanna be talking about deeper topics and flirting excessively. I am honestly tired of continuing talking to her if she’s not trying to link up. I don’t particularly like chatting all day.

I am wondering if it’s okay that I just reduce talking to her and try make things die out, or should I just ghost her. Her not meeting up again just making me lose interest.

TLDR: Girl I’m talking to and have met once doesn’t wanna meet up for second time or go on second date for over a month now but texts me excessively. I’m losing interest due to no dates so wondering if to stop talking to her and break it off.

  1. I’d tell her straight forward that you’re not looking for a chat partner and you won’t be available anymore and you think it makes no sense to text but not see each other.

  2. Sounds like you’re becoming a pen pal man. Of that’s not what you want, and she doesn’t want to hang out with you again, sounds like it’s time to move on.

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