My homework from my psychologist is to start conversations with people online to get used to back and forth discussions. When I told him I often write a response but don’t send it, he set me a challenge of having 60seconds to write and post without all the overthinking and anxiety.

Have any of you done this kind of thing? And how did you find places to make comments/start conversations?

  1. Yes. Just post and let it go. It feels good. Resist the urge to delete or edit. Sit in your discomfort. It’s helpful for me to write about my discomfort, where I can feel it, how it feels, what emotions is it bringing up.

    Reddit is a good, low-risk place to do this. Find any subreddits you’re interested in!

  2. I’m happy you posted, how do you feel after? I started by finding subs i liked, seeing things that interested me made me more interested in commenting and replying to others about things you’re into

  3. It’s great that you’re doing this OP! I’m in the same boat that you’re in and find it hard to make comments and start conversations. How are you feeling about this assignment so far?

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