my gf wanted to set her friend up with a guy. we’re all in college. This guy was someone she had made out with at a party like a few years ago and they haven’t talked in a couple of years. She told me she reached out to him on behalf of her friend to set up a date if he’s interested. He proceeds to shoot his shot at my gf and she tells him that she has a boyfriend. She then continues to proceed to set up a date with him and her friend. I just found it weird that she had to reach out to his guy. She said she wanted to tell me because she wants to be transparent about everything. Maybe i’m overthinking it. Thoughts?

TL:DR My(M19)gf(F19) reached out to an old hookup to set up for her friend ?

  1. >​ She said she wanted to tell me because she wants to be transparent about everything.

    If she wanted to be sketchy, why would she tell you? I don’t think you have anything to worry about here. Having said that, y’all might want to discuss boundaries as far as exes / ex hookups go, as you may be on different pages there.

  2. Let her know how it made you feel, but if she came to you and told you about it, showed you the messages, I think you are overthinking it. Use this to talk through what made you uncomfortable and what the expectations should be for both of you in this relationship moving forward.

  3. Nopeeeeee, that is VERY weird and does NOT make sense, like you said why do YOU need to message him? Don’t confuse yourself

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