I could use some advice my gf who we been together talking I guess in whole course of. A year. She abruptly broke up with me. 3 days after she got back in to town she. Was Indiana. And moved back to texas. And I really can’t say I was pushy but I was tryna call her to make sure she’s made it ok she. Textd called. The next day was suppose to come spend a night but it was late. So next day she called and. Was like making plans then cancelled. Textd me late at 4 am. Now. She is bit younger me. Some if relationship been long ditsnce and. We came and saw each other but. Towards before her getting here my insecurities came out. And so was hers but. Like she called me the other day and then yesterday askin for favor and saying we can talk but. Like why wouldn’t she just block and end it if she really wanted be done sorry I’m not writing a essay so don’t really care or. Grammar if ur gonna be a dick and when. Before she got here she was excited. Making plans. With me. We would face time everyday talk on the phone I believe she staying with her kids father parents. I don’t know if that had to do with anything by the way he’s in jail for long time but why would she keep open line if communication if she was really done

1 comment
  1. This is an old story… you were just a fill in but now as they like to say “daddy’s home” you were lied to and used she was just waiting for the jail bird/DNA donor to get out of jail. She never cut contact with him (you should have noticed) and wanted to make shure she was still his and that she hadn’t changed her mind or wanted to go after him for child support. I’m betting he’s older than her too, was using her. Also they started the relationship when she was in high school and he was a bit older as in statutory older. Congrats on the series of mistakes that led you here. You would do well NOT to repeat them, hey you are still young go find yourself a good woman. Hint: your now ex was anything but good. Learn from this kid and don’t let history repeat itself.

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