Need advice on how to approach a futute friendship

I (20m) started talking to a guy (21m) from a dating app. We met in person and I felt it went well, we hung out a few times, went thrifting together etc. We agreed to be friends first before anything which I genuinely wanted. However his life got pretty hectic and he asked for space because he couldn’t make time to hangout anymore. I had a hard time understanding and would still try to text him occasionally which was understandingly dry. I also asked him to hangout once but he had to put in a raincheck the day of, 3 minutes before the time to meet up, after I drove there. I admit I was mad so I did slightly withdrew myself to respect his space and because he felt very closed off but hoping that he’ll initiate when his life is good again. Well he initiated recently and we started hanging out again, yet this time while hanging out, I overheard him talking to a friend about a guy that he’s been talking to and that he’s not romantically involved with but interested in. I told him that he owes me nothing and that I shouldn’t have been listening just because they were in the same room but can’t help but feel a bit bothered that we didn’t get that opportunity, I didn’t get the chance to even be friends with him. He told me that he didn’t feel a connection because I was slightly reserved the first few times we’ve hung out which I feel is unfair because I didn’t get the chance to get closer with him. He said it’s because I stopped initiating after he put in the raincheck and that I should’ve asked him to hangout more but I misinterpreted his definition of space. He also said that I shouldn’t have expected us to be anything more because expectations ruin things, which I agree with. I still want to be friends because we get along and share interest yet I also feel that he’s not understanding. How should I continue the friendship?

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