I’ll try keep this as short as possible.

I (22m) have been speaking with this girl(24f) for roughly 4 or so weeks, she works for the same branch that I worked for but in a different shop, shortly after we started speaking I left this place of work but we continued texting for for a few days until she asked if I wanted to meet up with her and do something. We met up one day and it was the first time we had hung out together before. We got coffee and chatted for a bit, walked around, got another coffee and then ended up going out for dinner, afterwards we went and got a few drinks at a bar. We always had something to talk about and we both felt comfortable the entire time, throughout the evening we were holding hands at the table. We made plans to go out the next night with mutual friends to a club, while we were there she bought me a drink and while we were on the dance floor she asked me to kiss her which i did and we ended up making out the whole night. Over the next couple weeks we had gone out a few times, holding hands, kissing etc, one night we were out and she ended up coming home to my place and we had sex, spent the next day in bed watching movies and cuddling. Since then we’ve seen each other loads like after college and out with friends etc. Then one night we were out she said she wanted to come home with me but she didn’t have any clothes so I told her she can wear mine, she then jokingly called me stupid and said I should have asked her to stay over before, so I told her she’s more than welcome to stay over anytime, however she is super busy with college and work, and is going back to Italy for two weeks on the 10th of april. the other day we were out at a coffee shop while she was working on her assignment and when we were saying goodbye I asked her if she would want to stay over sometime this week and I could drive her to college since i live closer and she said she’ll try make time and then jokingly said “Why would I stay at your house i’m not your girlfriend, am I your girlfriend, are you my boyfriend?” to which I replied “no you’re my fiance” Which is just an inside joke we’ve had with each other for a long time but as soon as I said that I thought to myself wtf is wrong with me surely she was hinting. After I said that she said that we should talk about “this” I have been wanting to ask her to be my girlfriend but honestly i’ve just been too afraid of rejection lol.

Thinking back I think I may have missed a few other hints and I know I fucked up, do you think it’s too late to ask her?

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