I think a lot of people are under the impression that women have a tendency to make really subtle undetectable hints towards the people they like and this really is just not true. When a woman is *actually* romantically interested in someone its extremely obvious to anyone in the room what’s going on, they don’t hide their interest at all.

If you think you’re seeing subtle signs you aren’t actually seeing signs. If you’re unsure if she’s interested it’s probably because she’s not. You’ll know when there’s actually a sign someone is interested, it’ll be very obvious.

  1. I’d have to disagree cause my friend last year was interested in me and the entire time I thought she was jsut being friendly and I was overlooking things. Turns out I’ve done that a handful of times

  2. I think they are either super obvious or show no signs despite being into you.

    I have never experienced the middle ground but both extremes several times.

  3. Mostly not true. Most women aren’t very good at giving hints and are very shy about it. Sometimes it is obvious sure, but those are the more extroverted girls.

  4. This is half true. A lot of women’s hints are obvious IF you know what to look for, which definitely doesn’t come naturally. But there are plenty of circumstances where the woman doesn’t want to actively hint, for example because there’s a social cost to rejection, like when you’re colleagues or have mutual friends. I also think younger women (below 30, but definitely below 25) are much less confident in giving out hints.

  5. We gotta stop with all this generalizing, you are right and so are the comments saying you’re wrong, there will always be women that can prove either of the points. Same thing goes for men, some are obvious about their interest in you and some are too shy to really do much other than either be friendly or be hopeful from a distance. Once all of you stop generalizing so much you’ll be much more well rounded.

  6. Its subtle relative to men. Men tend to be very straight forward about their attraction and will railroad the interaction straight to sex. Comparatively, women are subtle.

    The key is understanding women and seeing the hints. They’re very clear when you know what to look for.

    But I do think it’s kind of analogous to dudes who have no game. women who have no “game” will do weird shit that men might not be able to pick up as signs of attraction.

    I remember watching YouTube and hearing a story a guy was telling. Basically he and his female friend were at a club and she liked a guy. Nothing happened. Guy asked her if she tried anything.

    Her answer was, She looked at him like twice and she was facing in his direction. That might work at a less busy setting but no one would notice at the club.

  7. coming from a girl I think that girls are definitely more subtle and more calculated with their hints, and guys hints are way easier to detect. Although yeah one look at a girl’s body language will give u a hint

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