I feel like I’m still new to adulting, so sorry if this is a dumb question….

How do you say no to kids/parents when they ask you to buy something from their kids fundraiser…as politely as possible?

Nobody asked but here’s the backstory:

I work with kids and one of the parents asked if I’d be interested in buying anything from her child’s school fundraiser…I said i could take a look. She then emails me FIVE fundraiser links (one for each of their kids!). I only work with 1 of her kids, but of course her link directs me to purchasing from the moms paper form only. I also can’t buy from EVERY kid I work with (if they ask), so I could just say that…but is that offensive? I don’t really have trouble politely saying no to kids who show up at the house, but since I personally know this family it’s harder to say no. I also wasn’t expecting to be slapped with FIVE fundraisers at once. Advice?

  1. Sometimes you just need to say “no thank you” and risk someone possibly being annoyed. You can’t live your life without offended everybody.

  2. Just ignore it. If she asks again you have 2 options-

    Say haven’t got to it yet and keep repeating that until she gets the hint or it goes away

    Or- Thank you and I appreciate you thinking of me but I’m not in a place right now to donate

    Personally I would go with the option 2 because I don’t want to keep being harassed but 1 is less confrontational

  3. Just laugh and say, “I work with so many children I have to have a strict policy of saying no to all the fundraisers.”

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