I (23f) have been with my bf (23m) for 7 years. We were long distance for a while with both of us in school but have been living together for 2.5 years now. From September 2020-June of this year our sex life has been rocky. I had some medical issues that went undiagnosed in that time that made sex super painful and we weren’t able to be intimate much. It turns out my IUD had perforated my uterus and was causing me horrible pain, it was painful to do most everyday activities, let alone have sex. I had it surgically removed from my abdomen in June and I’m feeling a lot better now. He has been super supportive, understanding, and loving while this has been happening but our sex life is still suffering post recovery. We’re intimate probably once every 2-3 weeks and even when we are it’s kind of off, I think after such a long period of being careful with my health and intimacy being so rare we’ve forgotten in a sense how to initiate with each other, be carefree in bed, and get back into a groove.

We’ve talked about the lack of sex multiple times with me initiating the conversation, I’ve read books, sent him articles of fun things we could try, worn lingerie around the house, etc and nothings really helped thus far. How do we get out of this awkward stage and transition back into a healthy sex life? I’d like to be able to be intimate at least twice a week, we have an otherwise really great relationship and a lot of love for each other, this is the only area I feel we’re lacking. I don’t want this to affect our relationship in the future and we’re way too young to have a dead bedroom. Any tips, ideas, or experience you can offer would be much appreciated.

TLDR; “not quite dead but maybe in a coma” bedroom after medical issues that made sex painful, now I’m recovered but still can’t revive our sex life. Any advice?

  1. If you feel that you are up for sex and your BF is reluctant there is a good chance that he is concerned about hurting you. One option would be to take matters into your own hands — literally. Undo his belt, pull down his pants, and get him hard using your hands and mouth. When he is ready, climb aboard.

    Another option would be to take a gradual approach. Start with asking him to eat your pussy. Then ask him to insert insert fingers to stimulate your g-spot while he continues to lick your clit. Then ask him to climb aboard and insert dick.

    Good luck and come back in a while to let us know how things have progressed.

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