Just curious, as my friend is now turning 25 and still lives at home, and says he likes it cause his mum cooks all his meals and does his laundry.

  1. If you’re adult, for me the only acceptable reason to live with your parents is to save up economically to be able to get your own place. Of course it’s convenient living with your parents but if you are in a position where you have the choice of doing so, and you don’t, meh.

    Edit: or of course if you’re taking care of someone, that goes without saying.

  2. In some communities it is not uncommon, especially for some ethnic and religious groups.

    I knew a portugese family whose policy was you lived with your parents until you saved the down payment for a multi family home.

    The mothers parents did it for her, and she did it with her 3 kids- the last one was house shopping last I heard.

    I moved out at 17, so I do not speak from experience.

  3. I don’t think it is as simple as “by x age people should not live with a parent” but more, why they live with a parent. So, for your friend, does he contribute by doing things around the house his mom doesn’t have the strength for? Does he contribute financially or also expect his mom to pay for everything?

  4. I guess it depends. In general in NA culture, someone still living with their parents at 30 is usually when others start getting overall poor vibes.

    Early to mid 20’s is usually justifiable since it has become much more common as young adults attend college/uni.(and then can’t afford to move out because they’re paying off loans)

  5. I moved out at 20y and have never after that dated a man that still lived at home. I can’t imagine i would either. Being independent and self-reliant is a big factor when it comes to chosing a partner.

  6. Many adult people like that still living with their parents to save up more to be able to buy a house and settle down , but in your friend situation he’s 25 and likes his mom cooks in that situation he will never move out or have a settle life .

  7. Tbh it’s more abiut why they’re still at home and how dependent they are on mommy. In your friends situation, I wouldn’t attempt a relationship with him at all because I’d have an idea of how he would treat me if we lived together.

  8. living at home due to different circumstances (eg financial reasons, taking care of a family member etc) and contributing to the household is ok, staying at home because you like your mommy’s cooking and can’t do your own laundry is a bit of a turn off. it shows a person who refuses to grow up and will eventually look for another ‘mommy’ to take care of him.

  9. Depends heavily on the circumstances. Someone who’s in University with a part time job living at home and doing all his chores himself would be ok for me.

    Someone who has a job and has mummy do his laundry and cooking would be an immediate “no”, no matter the age.

  10. I don’t have an issue with a guy living at home, I have an issue with his mummy cooking his meals and doing laundry.

    Living at home is a great way to save money, pay off debts, get ahead in life, it’s not however an excuse not to grow up.

  11. For me it’s not about the age, it’s about this:

    >he likes it cause his mum cooks all his meals and does his laundry.

    I don’t live under the rock. COL increases exponentially, job stability doesn’t fully correlate with your skillset or motivation and if you have long term goals, sometimes you have to take two steps back to be able to make it happen. I get and respect all of that.

    You can be 35 and be a fully functioning, independent, awesome adult living with their parents. And there can be no issue.

    However, if you continue to live with your parents because mommy does your laundry and your life goal is to survive on minimum wage and governmant aid – hard pass.

  12. It’s not that he’s 25, it’s that his mother is cooking and doing his laundry.

    I’d like to date a man and not adopt a child.

  13. Most women like a man who is stable, able to contribute and bring support.
    If the man is living with his mom to save up for his future that’s great.
    If he does it because mommy takes care of him and he gets to be lazy, that’s unattractive.

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