I’m having major issues with my own self confidence is I’m too shy meeting girls and bad pick up liners because I’m deaf.. please help me to overcome my issues and where is the best place to meeting people? Also I’m 36 and I’m embarrassed!!!!

How can I overcome with my issues????

1 comment
  1. While I can’t give much advice on the deaf part, I have to say that maybe one liners aren’t the way to go. (As a member of the female race) one liners can be seen as corny and most women really aren’t into that.
    Try striking up a convo with a bought drink or something, I find that usually is a good way to start:
    Women like unique people with a different outlook on life, of which you can definitely provide with!

    Maybe not the best advice, but play on what you have rather than trying to be somebody your not.

    Hope this helps, feel free to dm me if you have any more questions!

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