I am a bit introverted, maybe more of an ambivert. I am a 29m and single. I partly feel pressure to go out to possibly meet women and I also work from home so I do like to get out.

This week my normal climbing group didnt go monday, but I did see friends yesterday. I am going biking with a friend tomorrow and then friday I have something else with friends.

So basically I could go out 4 days in a row. Right now I am debating on whether I want to go out tonight for trivia and a friends housewarming party. I am not sure I want to. I’ll end up out later then I want to. I dont like getting home later then 9-9:30pm on a weekday.

Im thinking about ditching my plans and going on a run or bike ride, doing some cooking, and then read my book.

But I dont want to be anti social and since I work from home I dont know if its weird to still not care to get out. Do other people get out almost every night?

if I am getting out 3-4 times a week isnt that good? I guess I am far removed to what normal people do since I live with a brother who is a hermit. Also of course I shouldnt care so much what is normal, but I am interested. I sometimes go out to much and get burnt, but then I have fomo when choosing to stay home.

Like tonight I would have fomo if I stay home, but I also dont feel like having no time to relax after work again.

I think finding the right balance is a social skill, because over socializing leads to burn out and bad engagements with people

1 comment
  1. I’m an introvert, but really love time with small groups and my best friends. To me, once a week or twice a month doing friend things would be perfect. I’m 44f.

    I try to not say “yes” to something unless I’m committed to showing up because I think it’s ok to be introverted but not to be unreliable. It took me time and many cancellations to learn this lol

    Maybe for you making sure you have an in-between day to be alone and restore would be good — so max. 4 days a week being social…?

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