My decision is solid (late thirties, happily married with 2 kids etc) and I’m happy with it. But, it’s still a big deal to me and I’m nervous now.

  1. You’re good my man. I have no regrets, it really wasn’t all that big of a deal. Go easy for the next week, don’t try and be he-man

  2. Mine was fairly quick & easy. Local anesthetic, in-office procedure, don’t think it took longer than 15-20 minutes? Walked out feeling stiff, still numbed. Had some pain the next day or two, but not bad really. I do office work, was back to work quickly.

    Mine was well over 20 years ago, so not sure how much has changed since then? The weirdest thing about it for me was when the sutures started to dissolve — suddenly little bits of suture are falling out of your scrotum. 😛🤷‍♂️

    Don’t remember how long it was before post-surgery sex? A few weeks? Month? Remember being nervous that it would feel different. Nope. Ol Spouty looked and felt the same.

  3. It’s easy peasy. Just take it easy and don’t lift anything a few days. And wear your jock strap for 2 weeks like the doctor says. I made the mistake of not wearing it after 4 days at work. That was the only time they were sore.

  4. It’s a nothingburger.

    1″ incision, some odd internal pulling feeling for a few moments, and then a stitch or three and you’re done. The only things that stand out to me about having it done were that 2 new people in the world got to see my dick and that the bruising definitely was not explained well enough to me. Your plums are going to look like plums for about 3-4 days…..but no real pain. Again, just that internal tension / tug and then generally tender for a day or two. I’m glad I got it done, have second-guessed it for maybe 5 minutes in the last 13 years.

    Ice your nuts. Take it easy for a few days. Live the rest of your life.

  5. Don’t stress it mate. You’ll sit on the other side in no time wondering what the fuss was about. Just keep those kids from slipping a stray knee in there because you’ll have never felt pain like it lol. 17 mins it took for me in and out back home with a Starbucks within the hour. Just relax and don’t let the idea of a needle going into your ball concern you. It stings a little and that’s it. Best of luck. Oh one last thing post vasectomy. When up for it make sure you clean out frequently and when you think you’re doing enough do more. Took me two attempts to get the all clear.

  6. I had one recently.

    It was mildly painful for the day, and I was sore for like a week after.

    Now It doesn’t hurt at all

  7. Good luck friend, am organizing my life to have one at the end of the year (31, no kids). Hoping that yours goes well

  8. Get a jock strap to support your junk and be lazy for a few days. Lots of Netflix and sitting around.

  9. Had mine in 2005. Very little pain, just some discomfort during. No pain afterwards at all. Best high I ever had when he gave me the anesthetic. OMFG.

  10. Nobody here said the best part. Get your partner to help you knock out the 20 busts before you go back to get your spoog tested. We made it a game and did it in 4 days

  11. Don’t be afraid.
    The two worst things are the anesthesia and when the doctor grabs the deferent duct. Other than that, is a simple procedure

    After I do the procedure, my patients always say: I thought it would be worse. It’s not nice, but it’s bearable

  12. Mine was super easy (If you’re interested and got the time, I got a story of the procedure on this sub like a couple years ago) I won’t change my descicion for anything!

  13. My partner is about 3 weeks out from his (maybe 4?) and he says everything is back to normal. I think we waited a week before resuming sexual activity? Good luck!

  14. My experience was good, I got Valium and OxyContin, then she pampered me for four days.

    Then, after healing, the free nuts be bustin.

  15. My husband did the same and so did my brothers and brother in laws. No one had complications and all of them were successful. Good luck and make sure you take it easy for the next week!

  16. Got one six years ago. One of the best decisions I ever made. You’ll be a little sore for a couple of days and that’s it! Sex without birth control is awesome and totally worth it!

    Good luck!

  17. No stress, mine had an odd sense of humor. He had the Deinfeld episode where George gets a massage with the whole. “It’s a guy touching me down there” scene playing as the background distraction.

    I later found out from another friend who used the same doctor that he also had that same clip playing.

  18. You got this. I’ve got ovaries but I got snipped (28) and it was a huge relief and I feel great about it, best wishes (I bet your recovery will be quicker too!)

  19. Congratulations! It’s no biggie, and you’ll thank yourself for years to ~~cum~~ come.

    My experience was just about as great as I could hope for, considering I was getting my scrotum cut open. The nurse was very kind, the doctor was very skilled and quite funny.

    Dr: Okay, the worst part is coming up.

    Me: You already said that once.

    Dr: Well, you got two ball, ya know. I can’t leave the job half done.

  20. Welcome to the club bro! It’s quick and easy. Just take it easy a few days and get a sperm count test before sex. They ask you to wait like 20 days or something. Anyway.

  21. My husband had one two weeks ago tomorrow. He didn’t need any of the pain meds, minimal pain aside from the day he had it done. His junk works as it should now. You’ll do great!

  22. I see a lot of people saying it is easy and fairly painless, and I will concur with that. It was a five minute at most procedure of an old guy touching my nuts. The feeling of him pulling the tubes out of my sack was super weird. Like someone tugging on my balls from the inside. The two weeks after I just had this lingering pain that feels like the residual pain after someone kicked you in the balls. It wasn’t severe, it just felt a little painful. I have fairly large balls according to my wife and they tend to hang real low when it’s warm down there, and I will say they hang a lot lower now than they did before. The Wife loves the extra slap she gets from that. Sometimes when it’s really warm they hang real low and the extra stretch will cause my balls to ache. I’m at the end of the first year after I got it done. Also in case they don’t tell you this, don’t freak out if you see blood the first time you get off. And make sure you take care of yourself the first few times. It may ache a little depending how long you’ve waited.

    All things said and done, even knowing this, I would totally do it again. I don’t have to worry about anything anymore and can just blast my nut juice as much as I want and not worry about why crotch goblins magically appearing in the house. So go get it done! Listen to others! And remember… You’re doing it for not the kids!

  23. One piece of advice I wish I had adhered to “dont lift anything heavy”.
    I was doing just dandy until I lifted my 3yo daughter out of the bath. It felt as if some muscle tissue tore and it was game over for me. I walked like John Wayne for about two weeks.


  24. Having mine done next month hopefully.

    Let me know how your experience is, since I’m a bit nervous too.

    Same deal. Late 30s, two kids. Want my wife to be able to get off birth control.

  25. There’s nothing to it, brother. Mine was uncomfortable but not painful. The bag of ice on my junk on the ride home was worse than the procedure, lol.

    I got complimented on my shave job, too, lol.

  26. Second the peas. It’s an easy procedure, all things considered. Super happy with decision to limit ourself to two kids and the ability to finish inside without fear of pregnancy is just sublime!!

  27. Zero regrets. Best money and peace of mind you will ever spend, trust me. DO NOT DO ANYTHING other than watch movies or build LEGO, no matter how good you feel for a few days. Get a squirt gun to ward off cats and kids and a few bags of frozen peas to keep in rotation. You’ll be so happy when this is all over in a few days.

  28. Hey I got mine about a year ago!

    It’s scary. It really is. I can tell you the absolute worst part of this is being nervous leading up to it and then not touching yourself for a while after.

    I went in and before I thought he had even started, he said “Almost done”.

    I did see smoke coming from my testicles. They don’t prepare you for that sight. I had a ‘no scalpel no needle’ vasectomy where they just…poke something and solder your vas-deference or whatever it is.

    No pain afterwards. Just tenderness.

    **The worst part is what you’re doing to yourself now**. It’s incredibly easy. it will be over before you even realize it’s started.

    You will be fine.

  29. I feel like you need some negative aspects. It sucks. It hurts. I’m sure everyone’s experience is different. Mine was probably average. By comparison I got a colonoscopy a while later. I would rather do that again than get another vasectomy.

    -The anesthetic sucked. They used a sort of gun and injected several places on my nutsack. It felt like getting flicked in the nuts a dozen times.

    -My balls swelled up to the size of an apple. Wasn’t so bad until I had to poop. Nowhere for them to go.

    -I should have taken more time off. I had it done on a Friday and went back to work Monday. I should have taken another 2 days.

    -I bumped into a table at work with my still swollen balls and almost dropped to my knees.

    -If you’re bashful, just know strangers will be handling your penis and balls for the better part of an hour.

    -Nuts were sore for a few months off and on. Not too bad. Just enough to be annoying.

    In conclusion I would still recommend. Being able to kiss birth control goodbye forever is great. It makes sex more enjoyable when it’s purely for pleasure without any worry.

  30. Listen closely: it will almost certainly not be too painful. Your wife has no way of knowing how much it hurts, as you are a stoic champion who is making a serious and life-changing decision for the good of the family.

    I milked that shit so hard and was waited on hand and foot by a woman who does *not* do that sort of thing. Go and do likewise.

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