So my house was just broken into and my security camera caught an unknown individual up to no good at all entering my bedroom, looking around flipping through stuff then leaving. He clearly was not showing up for a tour or anything since he had gloves on to keep fingerprints off and was peaking thru the door.

After seeing this I became incredibly angry, i’d say the most I have ever been in my life (I’m only 20). I said some nasty/derogatory things and also violent things such as if he broke in again I would hurt him.

Now I’m considered as very nice by my friends and many people I meet and throughout high school I have struggled with my self-esteem including being afraid to even stand up for myself when bullied. But now as I have gotten a little older I have been much better about my self esteem.

But I want to know like did I overreact or am I going psycho? Or is this a valid reaction to something like this?

  1. Definitely NOT overreacting! Having your place broken into is one of the grossest, violating feelings. You’re completely normal and I’m so sorry this happened to you!

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